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The Sisson Project

The project also benefits from existing infrastructure, including access to power, water, and transportation networks, which can help to reduce the overall development and operating costs.

As the global demand for critical minerals continues to grow, the Sisson Project represents an important opportunity to contribute to the supply of these essential resources and support the transition to a more sustainable and technologically-advanced future.

About the Sisson Project

Project Location and Description

The Sisson Project is an initiative to develop a world-class deposit of tungsten and molybdenum into a modern, long-life mine.

The Project is located on Crown land in central New Brunswick, 100 kilometres northwest of Fredericton by road, and near the communities of Napadogan, Juniper, and Stanley. Situated within the Nashwaak Watershed, the area has supported logging activity for over a century. The Sisson Project-area is well served by local and regional infrastructure including highways, roads, railways, deep sea ports and power lines.

The Sisson Project will be developed as a conventional mining operation. Site facilities, as described in the 2013 Feasibility Study include:

  • an open pit;

  • mineral processing facilities to produce tungsten and molybdenum concentrates, and ammonium paratungstate (APT);

  • a water treatment plant;

  • a tailings storage facility; and

  • ancillary buildings including offices, laboratory and warehouse.

The Sisson Partnership recognizes the value that New Brunswickers place on their land, water and natural resources, and is committed to advancing the Sisson Project in a manner that respects these values.

Sisson Partnership

The Sisson Partnership

The Sisson Partnership is responsible for the development of the Sisson Project. The Sisson Partnership is owned by Northcliff Resources Ltd. ("Northcliff Resources") of Vancouver, Canada and Todd Minerals Ltd. ("Todd Minerals") of New Zealand.

A public company listed on the TSX, Northcliff Resources holds a controlling interest in and is the operator of the Sisson Partnership.


Todd Minerals is a subsidiary of the family owned Todd Corporation, one of New Zealand's most successful companies, with a growing portfolio of mineral investments.


Sisson Project History

Mineralization at the Sisson Project was discovered in 1978. Drilling by various operators to 2009 delineated the majority of the Sisson deposit and confirmed the consistency of mineralization. Northcliff Resources completed an additional 66 drill holes between late 2010 and late 2011 to support development of a Feasibility Study and an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report. Environmental baseline studies were initiated in 2007, and expanded by Northcliff Resources in 2011. An updated mineral resource estimate was released in May 2012.

In addition to the drilling and environmental programs, extensive metallurgical and engineering studies have been undertaken. A positive Feasibility Study was completed in January 2013 detailing a 27-year mining operation at the Sisson Project.

The Sisson Project has received the following approvals:

  • New Brunswick Environmental Impact Assessment - 2015

  • Federal Environmental Impact Assessment - 2017

  • Metals and Diamond Mining Effluent Regulations Schedule 2 Amendment (MDMER) authorisation - 2019

  • Sisson Fisheries Act Authorisation and Off-setting/Fish Habitat Compensation Plan - 2020

  • Construction commencement timeline extended to Dec 2022 - (2020)

  • Construction commencement timeline extended to Dec 2025 - (Nov 2022)

John DeWitt   Photography  9391.JPG

Sisson Project Timeline




Mineralization discovered and initial exploration programs undertaken by Kidd Creek Mines

46,500m of drilling in 237 drill holes by Geodex

Mineralization discovered and initial exploration programs undertaken by Kidd Creek Mines



Project taken over by Geodex Minerals

Preliminary environmental, metallurgical and engineering studies undertaken by Geodex

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